Wednesday, February 8, 2012

UN To Stop All International Aid To Nigeria Because Of Boko Haram

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One of the greatest human tragedies of our time is currently occurring in Northern Nigeria. There thousands of Christians are fleeing their homes. This is a result of violent persecution to death by extremist Muslim militia in the predominant Muslim North of Nigeria. The militant Islamist group Boko Haram has demanded that Christians quit the North and live elsewhere in January 2011. Just over ten days ago over a hundred civilians were brutally killed after attacks by Boko Haram that were designed to force Christians to leave through the effective and calculated spread of fear.

Due to massacre significant numbers of Christians are said to be leaving their homes in Yobe in the North behind, and fond memories of their lives and possessions. In mid-January this year over a dozen men and women, deliberately targeted as Christians were reportedly shot dead in the small town of Potiskum. Christians are now also leaving Maiduguri, Boko Haram’s spiritual homeland in Borno State, following attacks against them there as the Islamist group seeks to take its threat of a creating a non-Christian North seriously.
Nigeria’s Government, despite having its military and the troops of the African Union at its disposal, dithers and does nothing. Despite these occurrences for over a year Britain continues to give over an astonishing £150 Million in bilateral aid (the exact figure for last year was £159,978,000) to a Nigerian Government who does nothing to prevent these killings.

Towards the end of last year Boko Haram carefully executed gun and explosive attacks on churches, killing more than thirty-five people in five states in Nigeria symbolically on Christmas Day, December 25, 2011.
According to reports by the Barnabus Fund, soon after the expiry of last year’s ultimatum by Boko Harem for Christians to leave the North, terrorist militia entered a church in Gombe, capital of Gombe State, during a prayer meeting, killing at least eight Christians last month.
Pastor Johnson Jauro said, “I was leading the congregation in prayers. Our eyes were closed when some gunmen stormed the church and opened fire on the congregation. The attackers started shooting sporadically. They shot through the window of the church, and many people were killed including my wife.” The next day, around 20 Christians were gunned down in Mubi, Adamawa state, as they gathered to mourn the death of another Christian who had been killed the night before. The report states that a Boko Haram spokesman has claimed responsibility for some attacks.
Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948 (arguably the most important international treaty in response to the Holocaust in the Second World War) wiping out an indigenous religious group is a form of genocide. The acquiescence of the Government of Nigeria in this, by doing nothing may make them tacitly complict in the acts of Boko Harem.
Worst still international aid given by Britain to a Government which has a high corruption index. This can do nothing to but encourage the passive action by the Nigerian state to these appalling and increasing massacres.
Source: Daily mail


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