Sunday, January 1, 2012

How to disable those annoying notifications from any Facebook group.

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Facebook groups are great places to be, connect with new and old friends, interact with people of like minds and share ideas. You joined a group because of the interest you have in it, and now your inbox is flooded with nofications and you so hate it, but you don’t know what to do or how to stop it. Imagine being a member of a very large group which is frequently updated by the users, then you will understand what it means to have
annoying notifications flooding your inbox. Now i am going to teach you how you can stop recieving these annoying messages.
First login to your facebook account, once you’ve logged in just on your left hand side of your homepage you will see the groups listed. Click on the group you will like to disable its notifications. Then at the upper right hand corner you will see a notification button, click on the button and select the OFF button, this will stop the notifications from that group.


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